Renaissance Ministries
Renaissance Ministries
Renaissance Ministries: Back to the Garden:
As humanity chooses to follow God’s way, the Kingdom of Heaven joy arises in our hearts and manifests in our lives. In the beginning, God and man walked together in the Garden. When we followed our desires and chose the sweet taste of satisfying the flesh and rebellion against God’s way, our eyes were opened to the pleasures of sin.
We had no experience or wisdom to guide us in distinguishing good from evil, and mankind succumbed to the seduction of bodily hunger. We unknowingly served other gods whose food and pleasure were our pain, degradation, and death. Our souls were bound in allegiance to demons as we contracted with the spirits of evil. We traded our life, health, and freedom for a moment of pleasure.
The terms of our contract with evil were death, pain, and bondage for a moment of unGodly pleasure. Fast or slow, the contract required eventual death. As the decay proceeded, our bodies degraded, we adopted the values of our demonic lords. Our souls and spirits were exiled from the pure and joyous fellowship with the Most High.
The price of sin is death. it is not God who kills and tortures those who sin. Rather, His creation, the structure of life, the terms of His Law invariably, dependably, and justly administer the consequences for violating His Law. We have free will, and the terms of violating His Law allow, even require, the demons to and take the life of all who sin.
He created Satan and the demonic realm with a taste/drive/desire for blood, suffering, and bondage. The demons derive as much pleasure and energy from unrighteous death as a man receives from sex, money, and power. God desires faith, hope and love, life, health, and freedom for man. The demonic tastes and desires are the mirror opposite of God’s character, morals, and values.
God created the demonic realm and populated it with spirits that love the lie, murder, infidelity, and theft as much as He loves life and His Law/Will/Way. He created hell, a kingdom that opposes everything He values, giving man a choice of who to love and serve.
He gave demons the ability to speak to the mind/heart of man and stimulate his passions, desire, and love for the unGodly/unlawful/unholy. He gave demons the ability to tempt man into violating His will/way/Law. He gave demons the ability to feel pleasure in the degradation of man’s health, relationships, wealth, happiness, and life. The demonic sprit is motivated to seduce a man into violating God’s way. The demon who succeeds in luring a man into sin is given the soul and life of the man who tastes and eats the fruit of temptation.
God (the Word/the Son/the Creator of all) created the demons to test the character of every man. In the demons, God created another lover, a temptress who serves as a worthy adversary in the battle for the man’s affection, love, loyalty and service. God Gives good gifts in return for loving Him and His Law. The demons give pleasure for a moment and take life, soul, and freedom in payment. In taking a man’s soul and life, and degrading his function, the demons fulfill their hunger for death, misery, and bondage. He gave demons the right to own the soul of the man who violates His Way, extract his life, and derive succor from his pain and decay.
God created man innocent but with the tastes/desires and hungers of an animal. The play of life is the drama of man growing his soul, maturing it to either worship and love God and His way or follow the broad path of feeding his animal hunger. In loving God’s Law/Will/Way, we express our love for God, and at least on earth while we cannot see Him, He is satisfied by the offering of our obedience and perceives it as love.
The universe is a garden, a training ground, a testing field. We have the authority and freedom/autonomy to choose the character of the soul we develop by repeated choice and habit. We can choose Heaven or Hell, God or Satan, flesh/sin/self or Godliness. We can choose how we nourish and grow our flesh, soul, and spiritual character.
God created man with a taste for sin, a hunger for eating too much, too often, and from the plate of others. God created man with a weakness and desire for and susceptibility to the unGodly. The unholy/unGodly appeals to the flesh, ego, and animal nature. Feeding this hunger results in death, disease, poverty, and unhappiness. The naive see only a humorless, controlling, capricious, and unkind God who created a senseless universe to satisfy His desire for sadistic voyeurism.
The Bible, seen in another frame, reveals a loving God who values free will as a primary pillar of society. It illustrates relationships governed by His Law/Will/Way that actually satisfy and fill man’s heart and soul hungers and flesh desires.
God created the universe out of nothing. He is self-existent. His existence is an unfathomable mystery. No human concept can justify, rationalize, or imagine the existence of existence without precursor or cause. The sequence and method of creating the creation cannot be explained. We must accept existence axiomatically.
I urge consideration of the postulate of God’s existence as the source of the universe in which we live. I propose testing this postulate by comparing the consistency of the Bible with Science and the hypothesis that the purpose of life is to satisfy God’s desire for love.
I postulate that He created the demons as advocates for all values, acts, purposes, and emotions that oppose His way of being. He created the kingdoms of Heaven and hell to allow man to choose his character and lover.
As man violated the terms of His Law, he showed himself loyal to and lover of evil, demons, Satan, and hell. The results of worshipping, servicing, and sacrificing to other gods with our lives and actions are predictably bad, painful, and deadly. Even if the debt collection is delayed, the price will eventually be paid.
The cost of serving the demonic is unavoidable and high. The terms of the demonic contract are unbreakable. They are backed by and integral with God’s Law. The contract with the demonic will be fulfilled. Death follows sin, and the degradation between sin and death is the slow sucking of life from man to energize Satan and empower Satanic miracles (the smiracles). Satan owns the soul and spirit of every man who has ever sinned, even once. It’s the Law and the way God designed and created the universe.
The murder of Jesus Christ was unjust, unwarranted, and illegal. The demons violated the terms of the Law, which they must obey. They killed a man who was perfect, sinless, without warrant justifying taking His life. The demons tempted spoke to the minds of men susceptible to their voice.
The demons spoke into the heart of the Pharisees, the spiritually blind men who plotted to kill Jesus Christ. These were men who could not prioritize God’s Law rightly. They gave greater importance to a traditional (but wrongly understood) interpretation of God’s Command to keep the Sabbath holy rather than healing the sick by the power of God.
Possibly, these men were threatened by the loss of power if the prophesized Messiah were incarnated. Perhaps they were blinded by tradition and the teaching/interpretations of men. Regardless, Satan used these men who were susceptible to the tempting voice of demons to kill the Messiah to prevent His rule/reign and destruction of their kingdom.
The demons seduced men to crucify Him. Jesus was tortured, beaten, and hung on the cross until He was dead. In so doing, the final piece of the creation was put in place.
As He died, Jesus said, “It is finished.” God, the Father and Son, had engineered the construction of a living system. They created a world where we have a meaningful and free choice between Heaven and Hell, we can choose to love God or Satan and follow the way of one or the other. We can choose to the way of demons and feed the flesh like animals and remain ever hungry. Or we can choose to moderate our diet of sex, money, and power according to God’s Law/Will/Way, and continually use the options of the flesh according to His Way and sustainably, intermittently, and in proper time satisfy both the heart of God and man.
Unrighteous and sinful men/pawns of Satan murdered the incarnated Son of God. But death could not lawfully hold Him. The Father raised Him from death. He arose victorious, having never violated divine Law. Jesus Christ never sinned; He never made a contract with the demons to trade His life for pleasure. Nevertheless, the demons tempted men to murder Him. They had no legal warrant. God had not authorized them to take the life of Jesus. Thus, having killed Him, without a contract on His soul justified by sin, He could not be held in death and hell. Thus, He descended and set the captives free.
Jesus Christ’s death was a credit in His account. He paid the debt of death, but he had no debt to pay. That credit can never be used. He has passed from incarnated life to Heaven, and His death remains as a credit on His account to pay for His sin. Thus, the credit of His death is available for us to claim. We can use the credit of His death to pay the debt of death we actually owe. Our debt and payment by our death is justified by our sin.
We can claim that credit when we have made a heart-felt/sincere commitment to living a Godly/perfect/Holy Spirit-led life. The life of Jesus, the perfection of His being, is the standard by which all life is measured. He is the source and pattern of perfection. When we accept Jesus as Lord, we have declared Him as our master and only guide for our lives. In accepting Jesus as Lord, we have accepted Jesus as Savior.
The debt to the demons is paid when we accept Jesus as our Lord and accept His death as the payment for a contract with Satan. Such a commitment may be not explicitly understood or unarticulated, but God will accept our childlike understanding and commitment to be like Him.
With our committed allegiance to Godliness as patterned by the life and spirit of Jesus, and with our acceptance of the validity/value of His sacrifice, we have accepted payment of our debt. In so doing, we have freed ourselves from the demonic contract. We are paid in full. The contract we made with Satan and his demons is fulfilled.
We can choose to return to the Garden, and we will, if we are diligent in cleansing our souls. We must be reborn in a new spirit. We do so by our commitment and listening to the Holy Spirit speaking. As we read the Bible, we are instructed by physical/earth-level words which give access and authorization to the Holy Spirit’s guidance in our life choices.
As we choose to live in allegiance to God speaking through His Holy Spirit, we grow in Godly character. It is our will, concession, and direction of the flesh, to act out His Way on earth that imprints character, teaches others, and embodies the worlds, thought, and acts of living in the Kingdom. Through the vehicles of our bodies, minds, and words that we can live according to God’s will and way.
Living according to God’s principles and cultivating Godly character is the central challenge of life. Recognizing the existence of both good and evil brought confusion, but by correctly identifying goodness, God’s way of being, and rejecting the temptation of evil, life is made simple and direct. Life directed by God’s principles will enroll the help of angels and Heavenly hosts coordinating life events. As the nation/world is sanctified by habitual, legislated, socially taught and reinforced obedience to His Way, the context of life is cleansed. The destructive impulses, plans, and purposes of the demonic are resisted. As we choose Godliness, and resist the temptations of the demonic, we will find that we are recreating/reenacting/returning to life in the Garden. The Kingdom of God is within, and God desires that man live according to His Law/Will/Way. In doing this, we will manifest the Lord’s prayer and live on Earth as it is in Heaven.
Renaissance Ministries is committed to examining every question asked and resolving philosophical questions so as to create a seamless fabric of logic within which to place every observation and consideration of life. In Truth, there is no fear. There are no taboo subjects, no questions suppressed, no conspiracy theories unexamined, and no subject too politically incorrect to investigate. The goal is to identify and live the Truth of God’s way. In our wide-ranging discussions, we explore culture, science, and religion. The entire domain of human knowledge is open for consideration.
Some axioms of Renaissance Ministries include:
- The Bible is God’s revelation to man. God’s Word is inerrant, but man’s interpretation can be flawed.
- Science and the Bible must be compatible if the Truth of the Bible and Science are known.
- Human nature properly regulated satisfies the heart of God.
- Philosophy cannot determine Truth, but Truth can resolve the paradoxes and questions of Philosophy.
- There is a political system/choice/administration that satisfies the heart/will/way of God.
- Money/Gold and economy are symbols of service, tokens of commitment to service, and agreed-upon value.
- Medicine is for healing/correcting/repairing trauma. Man is responsible to God for avoiding the trauma of toxins, injury, infection, genetic injury, and excess and deficiency malnutrition.
- Every religion has some truth; to that extent, it is good and Godly. God desires that no soul be lost. God is merciful and just. He desired obedience, not sacrifice. Even a cup of water given in His name is a service to Him. There is entry into the presence of the Father, the Almighty God, without the cleansing of sin.
Our mission is to integrate the many streams of human knowledge with Biblical principles. We believe transformation occurs organically, naturally, and inexorably as individuals embrace absolute moral principles and align their lives with the spirit of Biblical wisdom.
This renaissance is intellectual, emotional, and practical. By following the example/spirit/beingness of Jesus Christ in our daily lives and living according to God’s commandments, we can create:
- Personal peace
- Community harmony
- Reasoned faith
- Purposeful living
- Meaningful relationships
Join a Zoom meeting, read the website essays, form your own discussion groups, and practice living the principles consistent with the spirit animating the Bible. As you grasp the Renaissance Ministries worldview/paradigm, you may:
- See life in a new and more holistic way.
- You may struggle less with existential questions and feel the peace of simply naming good and evil and responding appropriately.
- You may feel the peace of holding a paradigm that helps you understand your place in the universe and the purpose of life.
- You can boldly witness your faith to friends, family, and circle of influence.
- You may be able to relax your search for Truth and accept the small amount of faith necessary to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior.
- You may find that accepting a few reasonable axiomatic premises is sufficient to make enough of life understandable to enjoy living simply.
- You may be able to live and feel peace, knowing that you have done all you can to love God, others, and yourself.
- Your peace may be a part of the rebirth/the renaissance of a world that lives in peace.
Elements of The Ministry
The Foundation of the Renaissance Ministries: Jesus Christ as the Embodiment of Truth
The Bible is the Word of God which reveals His nature, will, and way. The postulate that we should make Jesus Lord of our lives is based upon a few preliminary axiomatic assumptions: God exists, His nature is good, Christ/the Word is the source/essence underlying the human spirit, God arose from nothing, or existed forever, alone, without peer or creator. God created the universe to experience relationship. God’s nature is love. We satisfy His desire for love as we fully give ourselves to acting according to His will and way.
The Bible is a collection of the writings of men, but they were inspired by God. In the Bible, He revealed His nature to humanity. The assertion that we should make Jesus the Lord of our lives is grounded in several axiomatic assumptions and implications from the story of Jesus’ life as recorded in the Gospels:
- God Exists: God’s existence is the foundation of all existence, as all nature and spirit are composed of His substance.
- God’s Nature is Good: Everything that exists, both good and evil is from and of Him. He has allowed the universe to manifest both good and evil, but He loves and only that which is good. He defines goodness, and God loves the man who chooses to act in holiness/Godliness/the way of His Law.
- Consciousness is a Fundamental Attribute of the God and the Creation: Consciousness is a core attribute of God’s existence. He created the elemental units of the universe, the Conscious Points, by declaring/visualizing/seeing Himself looking back at Himself and adopting that point of view as a perpetual identity as “other”. By infinitely multiplying this generation of Conscious Points, He created the substrate of a universe which could be in relationship between Conscious Points, and between groups of Conscious Points, which is the elemental substance composing mass.
- Creation for Love: God created the universe as a means to experience and share freely given love. By creating a universe with complexity, groups of Conscious Points with configuration-based identity and character, He created a universe with the potential for free will and hence the choice to love Him, or not, by choosing to obey and live His Way/Law. The universe was created to experience relationship, and thus, to satisfy His need for the satisfaction of His desire for experienced/mature love.
- Divine Love in Human Choices: God experiences love when we choose to act in accordance with His will and way. Loving God is abstract, given that we cannot see, touch, or hear Him clearly/tangibly. Thus, His love is satisfied through the relationships with our fellow man and loving ourselves according to the Way of His Law. In this surrogate lawful/holy/loving relationship with neighbor and self, God feels our every thought, motivation, and relationship, and His desire for love is satisfied.
- Accepting Jesus as one’s Lord/guide/master/King allows the Holy Spirit to live in our hearts/minds and guide us: We are flesh and blood, animals with an unholy nature/drive, to satisfy the desires of our animal nature. As animals, acting out that nature, we cannot satisfy the heart of God in our relations with self and neighbor. It is the assent, that faith, that commitment to follow God’s Way/Law as embodied by the Spirit of Jesus Christ, the creator and King of all, that we can choose to override the animal desires, and choose Godliness in every transaction and action. In so doing, we are Holy, as He is holy, and we satisfy the heart of the Father, the Almighty One.
- Accepting the sacrifice of Jesus for our sins allows us to enter into the presence of the most Holy, Pure, and Good Father God. Until we have cleansed our souls of the sin we have embraced/loved/drunk and consumed, we cannot enter into the presence of perfect holiness. The sacrifice of Jesus Christ, His unjust/unwarranted murder by men under the influence of Satan, was a one-time sacrifice that completed the creation when He said, “It is finished.” As sinners, as men who had willfully chosen to contract with Satan. We traded our life and soul for the experience of the unholy. We sold our soul to the devil, and he owned us legally/rightfully/willingly. That debt can be paid by substituting our allegiance to Satan as our lord, with our allegiance to Jesus as our Lord.
These assumptions collectively substantiate why making Jesus the Lord of our lives is necessary to see the Father. Until we have made that commitment to embrace Jesus as our Lord, and accept His sacrifice to pay our debt, we cannot enter into the presence of God. When we do accept Jesus as our Lord, we choose to adopt the acts/way/nature of God as revealed in the Bible, and we please the heart of the Father, and He adopts us into His family, and we will be loved and blessed.
Renaissance Ministries is as a Tax-Exempt Non-Profit Corporation:
As a 508(c)(1)(A) non-profit corporation, Renaissance Ministries has the ability to engage in political speech without the limitations imposed on 501(c)(3) organizations. Unlike 501(c)(3) corporations, which are restricted to theological and non-political speech, 508(c)(1)(A) organizations are not bound by these same restrictions. This allows Renaissance Ministries to participate in political discourse and advocacy while maintaining its tax-exempt status.
Key Differences:
- Political Speech: 501(c)(3) organizations are prohibited from participating in political campaigns or influencing legislation, while 508(c)(1)(A) organizations can engage in political speech without such restrictions.
- Tax-Exempt Status: Both types of organizations can maintain tax-exempt status, but the nature of their activities differs significantly regarding political involvement.
This flexibility enables Renaissance Ministries to address social and political issues in a manner that aligns with its mission and values.
The Theory/Philosophy/Creed Underlying Renaissance Ministries:
This website is founded on the insights and writings of Dr. Thomas Lee Abshier, ND. In 1987, Dr. Abshier experienced a profound altered state experience that he interpreted as divinely inspired. This pivotal moment allowed him to conclude his search for the one True God through participation in many world religions, cults, and philosophies. With this profound insight, he was able to embrace Jesus as Lord without compromising his intellectual integrity.
As both a scientist and a doctor, Dr. Abshier has dedicated the subsequent decades to exploring the implications and validity of his insights regarding the nature of reality, the reasons behind Jesus’ crucifixion, the purpose of life, and how these concepts integrate with both the arts and science.
The mission and purpose of Renaissance Ministries is to apply these insights to the grounded experience of real-life problems and stresses. The mission and purpose of the ministry is to create a paradigm of life which empowers the believer to live boldly, speak without apology in defense of the moral code of the God of the Bible. The mission and purpose of the ministry is to create a paradigm of life which allows the modern secular atheist to believe, to adopt the Gospel of Jesus as true, and hold Him in reverence as the Creator and Lord of the universe. The mission and purpose of the ministry is to transform individual lives into holy men and women who become the bricks and mortar the form the backbone and structure of a holy, righteous, and peaceful community, state, nation, and world.
Renaissance Ministries Virtual Gatherings:
Join our dynamic community discussions exploring the intersection of faith, reason, and contemporary life.
What We Offer:
- Live Zoom lectures and discussions
- Recorded sessions for flexible viewing
- AI-generated summaries and transcripts
- Open dialogue across diverse perspectives
Topics Include:
- Social and political issues
- Economic developments
- Theological insights
- Philosophical discourse
- Scientific discoveries
Our Foundation:
We explore these topics through the lens of Christ’s significance in both individual and collective life. While this forms our foundation, we welcome and encourage robust dialogue, including challenging questions and alternative viewpoints. We believe truth withstands scrutiny and grows stronger through reasoned debate.
- Featured lecture
- Open discussion
- Interactive Q&A
- Community dialogue
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The Metaphysical and Scientific Postulate Underlying Renaissance Ministries:
In Dr. Abshier’s altered state revelation, he envisioned a galactic center surrounded by a cloud of stars, with each star connected to the center by a delicate strand of light. He interpreted this imagery as a representation of the relationship between God the Father and the Son, as well as the connection between the Son and creation. From this symbolism, he proposed that God the Father created or begat the Son as a projection or duplication of Himself.
As the Son, He was endowed with the authority and power to create all elements of creation in the same manner by which He was created—through the projection of consciousness. The Son, referred to as the Word, spoke countless points of consciousness into existence. Each Conscious Point was assigned one of four types of properties: plus and minus electron Conscious Points, and plus and minus quark Conscious Points.
Each Conscious Point, being aware, could relate to other Conscious Points and move in relation to them according to the laws governing that type of Conscious Point. Every Conscious Point in the universe remains still and occupies a position for a Moment, during which it observes its neighbors, computes its appropriate movement, and then moves. This cycle of observation, computation, and movement occurs many times per second, with each cycle resembling a movie frame—a vignette of reality that serves as a unit of time.
The movement of Conscious Points from Moment-to-Moment results in action, change, and transformation. An underlying grid of absolute markers provides a measure of distance, while the limitations in the number of Conscious Points influencing each Moment establish the rules that give rise to the speed of light limit. The separation of movement into Moments creates the experience of motion and the passage of time. Ultimately, the true Oneness of all creation, where everything is essentially God, is obscured, allowing for the appearance of separation necessary to manifest time, space, and individuality.
The moral underpinning of Renaissance Ministries:
The universe, originating from the essence and mind of God, serves as the foundation for God’s omnipresence. If we consider that God possesses a nature characterized by desires and aversions, it follows that certain configurations within the universe will evoke pleasure, while others may result in pain, disgust, or unpleasantness. This duality of possible configurations gives rise to the concepts of good and evil.
God embodies qualities such as joy, love, and peace, while the opposite of these attributes is perceived as evil. As the Creator, God has designed the universe with the inherent polarities of good and evil to facilitate the experience of relationships, love, and the freely given affection among independent conscious entities. The purpose of creation is to fulfill the divine desire for relationships within the framework of free will, constructing a world that reflects God’s nature by manifesting good and rejecting evil.
In summary, the universe is a manifestation of God’s mind, allowing for the exploration of good and evil through relationships and conscious experiences, ultimately reflecting God’s nature and intentions.
Renaissance Ministries: Restoring Life's Sacred Purpose - Manifesting the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth
The purpose, goal, and mission of Renaissance Ministries is to develop and promote a life paradigm that works (produces good/pleasant results in life), changes hearts toward Godliness, and justifies faith in the establishing the Biblical moral code as the center of modern life for all people. The first-and-only time man was in harmony with God was in the Garden of Eden. We desire that renaissance, a rebirth of a perfect relationship with God and a modern day return to the Garden. To create this dream in reality, there must be a vision, a believable and achievable dream. We believe it is possible to achieve the dream of Earth as it is in Heaven. We believe it is possible to learn the principles of a Godly life, live them successfully, duplicate them in every willing person, and thus transform the nation and world into the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. In this ministry, we will use the medium of video lectures, podcasts, essays, and live events to educate to the level of understanding and wholehearted holy living. It only takes a spark to start a flame that will spread and throughout the nation and world. It starts with individual transformation. If it works, if we live it and pass it on to others, the dream could become reality and eventually sanctify the world. It is time to prepare the church without blemish for His second coming. There is no need for an apocalypse or tribulation other than in every man’s heart if we each submit to His will and way.
Our Vision
We believe that a lasting societal renewal begins with individual commitment to Godliness in everyday interactions. The theory helps establish understanding of why to believe and choose a life of holiness. The discussion, testimonies, and stories give practical guidance for living according to Biblical principles. While we offer rational defense of Gospel truths, our ultimate goal is the transformation of hearts into desiring to live according to the principles of Godliness.
Our Approach
- Educational Resources: Dynamic content delivery through multiple platforms
- Community Engagement: Support groups and interactive sessions
- Practical Application: Tools for implementing Biblical principles in daily life
- Ongoing Growth: Regular newsletters, events, and new content
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- Join our mailing list for updates on events and new resources
- Participate in online or in-person support groups
- Apply teachings in your daily life
- Share your transformation journey with others
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Your participation helps sustain our operational needs, including technology infrastructure and administrative costs. More importantly, your engagement helps build a community dedicated to living out these principles.
Core Values
- Love for God – Keeping His commandments and the spirit of His Law as our expression of love and pleasing Him
- Love for neighbors – Service of others. The greatest in the Kingdom is He who is the servant of all
- Biblical wisdom – the Bible is the revelation of God’s Law and character
- Personal transformation – Feed on the Word, listen to the still small voice, be holy as He is holy, accept Jesus as Lord
- Community harmony – Legislate righteously, prosecute evil, and reward goodness; forgive after confession, repentance, and restoration; look and listen for divine guidance;
Renaissance Ministries invites you to join us in this journey toward sanctification/practical holiness. Intellectual understanding meets heart transformation, creating lasting positive change in individuals and communities.
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Watch how Walkaway transforms lives, empowering users to leave their wheelchairs behind and embrace newfound independence.
Our Journey and Vision
At Renaissance Ministries, our mission is to change the hearts, souls, and minds of every man, woman, and child to adopt the spirit of service to God, and neighbor as self. It starts with a personal commitment to transformation into the likeness of Jesus Christ. Our animal passions seduce us into taking shortcuts, (worshipping other gods that promise instantaneous satisfaction of our desires).
There is only one narrow path to the perfection of the heart and long-term happiness, and that is through adopting, duplicating, and becoming the heart and mind of Jesus Christ. Mistakes will be made, a full price will be paid for each fall, and forgiveness and relationship will be restored after confession and repentance.
There must be a plan, a vision, a guiding star, a believable paradigm that makes sense of life, a purpose that seems reasonable. Teaching that way, discovering the answer to previously unasked and unanswerable questions, sharing what works and doesn’t, are the heart, soul, and substance of Renaissance Ministries.
Join us in the search, the enrollment of others into the path of sanctification. Learn, adopt what works, and become a mentor, coach, or teacher for the children, those young in the faith who need encouragement and correction. There is a place for philosophy and theory, and there is a time to go out on the field and play the game. Learn, transform, and live life well, fully engaged in your chosen role.
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